What you get with this meal plan...
and why it's so awesome.
I don't normally write meal plans for my clients. I think it's important to think about your own preferences, budget and dietary restrictions to create something that will work for you and your family. (I teach all of this in my nutrition programs and coaching) BUT, I also get that many of us get stuck in a rut and just need to start somewhere. This meal plan allows you to the macronutrients to suit YOUR needs with easy + palette pleasing recipes from myself and some of my favorite recipe bloggers (because I nutrition and fitness expert and not a chef.) You'll get:
A 7-Day Plan: Including breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack.
Protein packed recipes: that are easy. Nobody has time to spend hours in the kitchen.
A grocery list (with normal foods) for all of the included recipes.
Tips on how to adjust it to YOUR plan (this one is based on 1800 Calories, 150 grams of protein, 165 grams of cars and 60 grams of carbs daily.)
Hi, I'm Ashley, aka @theashleyprine.
I'm on a mission to help women to EAT MORE and fuel their bodies better.
As a busy mom and business owner, my exercise and nutrition philosophy is no-bullshit. I've lived through the low-fat phase, no carb era and all the keto nonsense and I can tell you one thing: these diets aren't sustainable. So, I'm here to help.
My nutrition resources are designed so you can learn more about how to fuel your body AND get to your goals. I want you to be empowered and educated to feel confident in your decisions when it comes to your nutrition.
I hope you enjoy the meal plan!
PS. If you have any feedback or questions, please shoot me an email at hello@ashleyprine.com. Seriously--I'm here to help you be successful on this journey. Hit me up.